Saturday 7 March 2009

Week 9 - Lost 2.0kg

This week wasn't particularly good for our routine, I only walked to work 1 day and was getting sandwiches from the snack van, so I was pleased that I lost the 2kg put on during our holiday.

This weekend sees the start of the 3-Peaks Challenge training, with a day trip to Edale in the Peak District for some walking in the mud and rain :)

The next couple of weeks are going to be tough with the eating too, I've got a 3-day trip to London and an 8-day trip to Sweden, both for work - so the routine is going to be well and truly stuffed...gonna have to be very disciplined!


Week 8 - Gained 2.0kg

On holiday in Lanzerote, I tried to be as good as possible with the eating and drinking but still gained 4 pounds / 2kg.